Thursday 9 September 2010

September Prayer - A Grace by Bp Lancelot Andrewes

Prayer is the living breath of Christians. Within our Anglican tradition we are blessed with wonderful resources to draw on, some harking back a millennium or more, which perhaps we do not always value as we should. So within the Nenagh Union of Parishes we will be selecting each month a spiritual jewel suitable to the season to pray together throughout the month. We are delighted to offer them for you to use too – you might choose to learn some by heart. A Grace suits September well, as a month of harvest thanksgiving. Here is one by Bishop Lancelot Andrewes, altered to put it in contemporary English.

Loving God,
you give food to all flesh,
you feed the young ravens that cry to you,
and you have nourished us from our youth up:

fill our hearts with good and gladness
and underpin our hearts with your grace.


Bishop Lancelot Andrewes, 1555 – 25 Sep1626.He supervised the translation of the King James Bible.

Engraved portrait of Bishop Lancelot Andrewes

from the frontispiece to a 17th century volume of sermons

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