Joakim’s garden feels empty again – the four grandsons and three daughters have all gone back to their own homes, variously in Kilkenny, Wales and England, leaving behind them very happy memories, many photos, and a large pale patch in the lawn where the tent was pitched. The big boys – Cal, Finn and Gabe - came for a week’s sailing tuition on Lough Derg (with
Shannon Sailing - I can heartily recommend them). They had a super time I think, and certainly plenty of wind! Little Jonah came with his parents to be shown off and run charmingly around the garden. I felt sad to see them go, reminded of so many goodbyes said, but very grateful indeed that they should have come so far to visit Dad or Grandfather/Grandpa/Oompapa on his own turf. The jury is still out on what Jonah will call me: I prefer Grandfather, because that was what I called my mother’s father and I value the sense of continuity, but there are those who feel that sounds too Victorian and cold – I can’t think why, because though older than I am now, my Grandfather certainly wasn’t.
Flower-fairies - Jonah and Grandfather in Susanna's Labyrinth
Happy Jonah!
Boys make a sandwich (t-b Cal, Gabe, Finn)
The Tent
I've not been good at blogging the garden this month (mea culpa!), but here are some pictures of the garden in August:
Susanna is the sweet-pea queen of North Tipp!
Day-lilies and white Agapanthus
Blue Agapanthus
Coppery Sunflower
Salvia patens - a gorgeous gentian blue!
Salvia cacalifolia - I have a bit of a thing about Salvias!
I have managed the vegetable garden better this year - here we have leeks, brassicas (Brussels Sprouts and Purple Sprouting) with asparagus, potatoes, climbing beans and artichokes behind. Susanna's peas were most disappointing, but we are now dining on our own potatoes, French beans and spinach-beet, and freezing for the winter.
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