I'm so pressed with course assignments, a sermon and a View from the Pew for Newslink, that I really don't have time to blog my own garden, but here are a few photos for Rogation Sunday!
Now it's May, the garden is burgeoning with fresh foliage:
New leaves on a young walnut in the wild-flower meadow
The Lime alley with daisies
Bursting shoots on a Korean fir, with the first young cones
New shoots on the Quercus ilex hedge, showing colour variation
The herb garden, l-r: Lovage, Purple Fennel, Lemon Balm, Sage
low Box hedge in front
Artichokes, promising a fine harvest
The summer flowers are starting too:
Lupins just begining, in Susanna's Labyrinth garden
Joakim is my pen-name, and I live with my wife Marty, who I here call Susanna, not in Babylon, but close to the banks of the Shannon in Ireland, where we share a one-acre garden. It was a ploughed field when we came here in 2000, and like all gardens, it is a work in progress. As I till it, I often reflect on the important questions, such as Life, the Universe, God and Love. As a member of the Church of Ireland, part of the Anglican Communion, I do so through a Christian prism.
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